Meet the new SKB EP development – PKV/M15!

Meet the new portable high-voltage circuit breaker analyzer – PKV/M15. The instrument is designed for monitoring time, travel and speed parameters of oil, vacuum, SF6 and magnetic-type high-voltage circuit breakers up to 220 kV.

At the moment, PKV/M15 is being tested for registration in the Russian Federation State Register, as well as passing internal testings at real substation facilities. Information about the instrument will soon be available on SKB EP website, stay tuned!

Some experiments on the instrument operation took place on SF6 circuit breaker ABB LTB 145D1/B. During the testing all the functions were checked, as well as compliance with the declared characteristics. The testings were successfully passed and all PKV/M15 parameters were checked, several slight mistakes were identified during the work and have already been corrected by the developers. PKV/M15 mass manufacturing will begin soon.

During PKV/M15 development, many parameters were based on well-known instrument PKV/M6N, that is appreciated by Russian users for its accessibility and ease of operation. PKV/M15 took all the best qualities of its "predecessor", and became even more convenient due to its light weight and small dimensions, however some new popular functions were implemented. The instrument weight is only 1 kg, while the dimensions are 165 x 100 x 60 mm.

PKV/M15 has well-known triggering types implemented: local (internal) and remote (external). At the same time, unlike with the previous SKB EP circuit breaker analyzers, PKV/M15 has additional triggering types for high-voltage circuit breakers monitoring. These triggering types allow considering different circumstances and conditions during diagnostic: triggering by closing the main contacts (MAINS) or by "dry contact" (AUX).

The measurement results are displayed on PKV/M15 in a table view with the measured parameters of travel, time and speed.

PKV/M15 will be represented in two modifications: PKV/M15.1 and PKV/M15.2, which differ in the measuring transducers complete set, number of controlled parameters and switched control cycles set.

Stay tuned and check on our updates, the information about PKV/M15 will be available soon. If you have any questions, contact us via phone +7 (812) 500-25-48 or via e-mail

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