New DP32 transducer for diagnostics of vacuum circuit breakers

Diagnostics of each type of high-voltage circuit breaker has its own features and requires an individual approach. To monitor the parameters of time, travel and speed of high-voltage circuit breakers, SKB EP manufactures instruments of the PKV group, which are equipped with a DP12 linear transducer for measuring the movement of moving parts in high-voltage circuit breakers and an angular movement transducer DP21 to measuring the angle of shaft turn in high-voltage circuit breakers.

Vacuum circuit breakers design is suitable for linear measuring, and, it would seem that it is possible to use a DP12 transducer? Not quite right. If we consider vacuum circuit breakers of 6-10 kV, then the permissible accuracy when registering their travel are ± 0.5 mm, therefore, the use of the DP12 transducer is impossible due to its error of ± 1 mm.



Discreteness (resolution)

0.5mm 0.2mm

Travel measurement range

1 ÷ 900 mm 0.2 - 20 mm

Types of circuit breakers

Oil, gas, vacuum, electromagnetic, air
Vacuum 6 - 10kV

A new DP32 transducer is designed for this task! The rheostat sensor DP32 is supplied on request additionally to the PKV/M7, PKV/M15 and PKV/U3 (no longer in production) instruments. It has an accuracy of 0.01 mm and allows measurements up to 20 mm.

To optimize the diagnosis of 6-10 kV vacuum circuit breakers, SKB EP designed a DP32 rheostat transducer for measuring the linear displacement of vacuum circuit breakers with an open insulating housing in the range of 0.2 – 20 mm and a accuracy of 0.01 mm.

Special attachment devices are required to install any DP transducer. Attachment devices set is supplied as standard specification for the PKV/M15, PKV/M7 and PKV/U3 instruments, which covers most circuit breakers of Russian and Soviet production. For other circuits (mainly of a foreign type), there is an attachment devices set (continuously improved) on request.

For the DP32 transducer, attachment devices for circuit breakers VBCH-10 (grip SKB010.50.00.000), VF-12 (lever No. 77 SKB010.56.00.00) and VBUE-10 (holder No. 70 SKB010.51.00.000) were manufactured and successfully tested.

DP32 transducer installed on the VBCH-10

Tests on the VBCH-10 circuit breaker were carried out using PKV/M7 instruments. The instrument displays the results on the device screen, and it can always be viewed and analyzed on a PC via a special software.

Graphs and tabular values are displayed in a user-friendly interface, which does not cause unclarities on the state of the circuit breaker.

According to the results obtained, it is clear that the circuit breaker is in good condition and meets all the requirements for further operation.

The results of the VBCH-10 measurement recorded by the PKV/M7 and the DP32 transducer

The DP32 rheostat transducer and all the specified attachment devices set for its installation are available for purchase on request!

For any questions about the specifics of their operation, please call: +7 (812) 500-25-48 or email:

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